Carol lectured on “Estate Planning for the Transgender Client” at the New York State Bar Association’s CLE on Representing LGBT Clients after Obergefell on September 11, 2015;

Carol lectured on the “ABC’s of Trusts & Estates for Mediators” at the Family and Divorce Mediation Council of Greater New York (FDMC) on April 14, 2015;

Carol presented a Judicial Education CLE to family court judges on “LGBTQ FAMILY LAW: A Comprehensive Overview of Relevant LGBTQ Family Law Cases and changes which have occurred following the legalization of same sex marriage in NY and surrounding states, and the striking down of Section 3 of DOMA” on March 4, 2014;

Carol participated in a City Bar Association CLE on April 20, 2015 entitled: “Skim-Milk Parenthood? Reforming Discriminatory Laws against New York Families Built through Assisted Reproductive Technology and Recognizing DeFacto Parents.” She laid out an historical time line of Assisted Reproductive Technology cases and the burgeoning LGBTQ Family Law within a feminist context, to explain why reform is slow in coming for some of our legislators.

Carol co-presented a public awareness presentation on the need for second parent adoptions to a group of families at a JCCA adoption support group in Brooklyn, on January 9, 2013;

Carol made a presentation to parents and professionals at The William Alanson White Institute Parent Center and the LGBT Psychotherapy Service entitled “The Kids are Alright:Working with LGBTQ Parents and Their Children: Stories from the Trenches” on March 3, 2013;

Carol participated in the New York City Bar Association CLE “Marriage Equality – The 2nd Anniversary: Updates on Case Law & Developments” on June 7, 2013.

Carol participated in the New York City Bar Association’s Family Court and Family Law Committee’s CLE entitled: “LGBTQ Family Law” A Comprehensive Overview of Relevant LGBTQ Family Law Cases” on March 12, 2013;

Carol guest lectured on “Same Sex Adoption and Marriage Equality 101” to Egalite, a Publicis Groupe Employee Resource Group on September 17, 2013;

Carol guest lectured on “Planning for Same-Sex Couples in a Post-DOMA World” at Bernstein Global Wealth Management on October 8, 2013;

Carol co-presented a NYCFJCA Master Class in October 2012 entitled: “LGBTQ Family law: A Comprehensive Overview of Relevant LGBTQ Family Law Cases and a Case for Recognition of Multiple Parent Adoptions”;

Carol co-presented at the February 2012 CLE co-sponsored by the New York Collaborative Professionals Association and the LGBTQ Collaborative Professionals of NYC, on “LGBTQ Family Agreements: The Value of the Collaborative Process (A Legal Overview of the Marriage Equality Act, DOMA, and Its Challenges, and LGBTQ Family Law, including parenting, Second parent adoptions, blended families, and the Importance of Mediation and Collaborative Law as a Means to Support LGBTQ Families”;

Carol lectured on “Same Sex Marriage in New York: What every Practitioner Needs to Know: Mediation and Collaborative Law” as part of a New York State Bar Association CLE on New York State’s Marriage Equality law in September of 2011;

Carol presented a workshop at the SAGE National Conference in October of 2008 on “Death, Dying and the Law”;

Carol presented a workshop at the America Fertility Association Fertility and Adoption Conference in April of 2007 on “Legal Aspects of LGBT Family Building”;

Carol presented a workshop at the LGBT Community Center in January of 2006 on “Planning Biological Parenthood For Men”;

Carol presented a workshop at the LGBT Community Center in February of 2008 as part of their Center Kids Second Parent Adoption Forum;